Internal wire connection of keypad

Matrix Keypad Interface Logic
There are two ways by which PIC18F can perform key press detection :-
Initial setup:
Step 1:

Step 2:

Step 3

Step 4:
Steps to read a key from the keypad
/* Name : main.c * Purpose : Source code for KEYPAD Interfacing with PIC18F4550. * Author : Gemicates * Date : 2017-07-07 * Website : www.gemicates.org * Revision : None */ #include <htc.h> //Header file for PIC18F4550 #define _XTAL_FREQ 12000000 //12MHZ /**********CONFIGURATION BITS SETTING**********/ #pragma config FOSC = HSPLL_HS // Using 20 MHz crystal with PLL #pragma config PLLDIV = 5 // Divide by 5 to provide the 96 MHz PLL with 4 MHz input #pragma config PBADEN = OFF #pragma config CPUDIV = OSC1_PLL2 // Divide 96 MHz PLL output by 2 to get 48 MHz system clock #pragma config FCMEN = OFF // Disable Fail-Safe Clock Monitor #pragma config IESO = OFF // Disable Oscillator Switchover mode #pragma config PWRT = OFF // Disable Power-up timer #pragma config BOR = OFF // Disable Brown-out reset #pragma config WDT = OFF // Disable Watchdog timer #pragma config MCLRE = ON // Enable MCLR Enable #pragma config LVP = OFF // Disable low voltage ICSP #pragma config ICPRT = OFF // Disable dedicated programming port (only on 44-pin devices) #pragma config CP0 = OFF // Disable Code Protection Bit /************************************************/ #define RS PORTCbits.RC0 //To assign single bit(RC0) of PORTC as output #define RW PORTCbits.RC1 //To assign single bit(RC1) of PORTC as output #define EN PORTCbits.RC2 //To assign single bit(RC2) of PORTC as output #define R1 PORTBbits.RB0 //To assign single bit(RB0) of PORTB as output #define R2 PORTBbits.RB1 //To assign single bit(RB1) of PORTB as output #define R3 PORTBbits.RB2 //To assign single bit(RB2) of PORTB as output #define R4 PORTBbits.RB3 //To assign single bit(RB3) of PORTB as output #define C1 PORTBbits.RB4 //To assign single bit(RC1) of PORTB as input #define C2 PORTBbits.RB5 //To assign single bit(RC2) of PORTB as input #define C3 PORTBbits.RB6 //To assign single bit(RC3) of PORTB as input #define Lcd_port PORTD //To assign Lcd data pins as PORTD void lcdcmd_address(unsigned char cmd); void lcddata(unsigned char send_data); void lcd_string(unsigned char str[10]); void lcd_data_string(unsigned char *str); void check_column_one(); void check_column_two(); void check_column_three(); void output(int key); void main() // main function { TRISD=0x00; //PORTD as a output TRISC=0x00; //PORTC as a input TRISB=0xF0; //Upper bits as output and Lower bits as input PORTD=0x00; //PORTD as a output PORTC=0x00; //PORTC as a output PORTB=0xF0; //Upper bits as output and Lower bits as input lcdcmd_address(0x38); // for using 8-bit 2 row mode and 5x7 Dots of LCD lcdcmd_address(0x0E); // turn display ON for cursor blinking lcdcmd_address(0x01); // clear screen lcdcmd_address(0x06); // display ON __delay_ms(60); lcdcmd_address(0x86); // bring cursor to position 6 of ROW 1 lcddata('H'); // display H on LCD lcdcmd_address(0x87); // bring cursor to position 7 of ROW 1 lcddata('I'); // display I on LCD lcddata('!'); // display ! on LCD __delay_ms(60); lcdcmd_address(0xC3); // bring cursor to position 3 of ROW 2 lcd_string("**GUYS**"); // display **GUYS** on LCD __delay_ms(60); lcdcmd_address(0x01); // clear screen lcdcmd_address(0x83); // bring cursor to position 3 of ROW 1 lcd_string("WELCOME TO"); // display WELCOME TO on LCD __delay_ms(60); lcdcmd_address(0xC3); // bring cursor to position 3 of ROW 2 lcd_string("GEMICATES"); // display GEMICATES on LCD lcdcmd_address(0x01); // clear screen lcdcmd_address(0x0C); // Display On cursor Off C1=C2=C3=1; // Initialiy set the column as high // The output of all the columns will be high while(1) { R1=R2=R3=R4=0; // Initialiy set the column as low // made all the rows zero if(C1==0) check_column_one(); // check pressed key is a column one? else if(C2==0) check_column_two(); // check pressed key is a column two? else if(C3==0) check_column_three(); // check pressed key is a column three? } } void lcdcmd_address(unsigned char cmd) // Function to send command to LCD { Lcd_port = cmd; PORTCbits.RC0= 0; // Register select (RS) in command mode PORTCbits.RC1= 0; // Read/Write(RW) in Write operation PORTCbits.RC2= 1; // Enable(RC2) bit __delay_ms(60); PORTCbits.RC2= 0; //Disable(RC2) bit } void lcddata(unsigned char send_data) // Function to send data to LCD { Lcd_port = send_data; PORTCbits.RC0= 1; // Register select(RS) in Data mode PORTCbits.RC1=0; // Read/Write(RW) in Write operation PORTCbits.RC2=1; // Enable(RC2) bit __delay_ms(60); PORTCbits.RC2=0; // Enable(RC2) bit } void lcd_string(unsigned char str[10]) // Funtion to Initialize LCD { lcd_data_string(str); } void lcd_data_string(unsigned char *str) // Function to send string on LCD { int i=0; while(str[i]!='\0') { lcddata(str[i]); i++; __delay_ms(60); } } void check_column_one() // Detecting column one? { R1=R2=R3=R4=1; // After detecting column All rows set to high R1=0; if((R1==0)&&(C1==0)) output(1); R1=1; __delay_ms(60); R2=0; if((R2==0)&&(C1==0)) output(4); R2=1; __delay_ms(60); R3=0; if((R3==0)&&(C1==0)) output(7); R3=1; __delay_ms(60); R4=0; if((R4==0)&&(C1==0)) output(10); R4=1; } void check_column_two() // Detecting column two? { R1=R2=R3=R4=1; // After detecting column All rows set to high R1=0; if((R1==0)&&(C2==0)) output(2); R1=1; __delay_ms(60); R2=0; if((R2==0)&&(C2==0)) output(5); R2=1; __delay_ms(60); R3=0; if((R3==0)&&(C2==0)) output(8); R3=1; __delay_ms(60); R4=0; if((R4==0)&&(C2==0)) output(11); R4=1; } void check_column_three() // Detecting column three? { R1=R2=R3=R4=1; // After detecting column All rows set to high R1=0; if((R1==0)&&(C3==0)) output(3); R1=1; __delay_ms(60); R2=0; if((R2==0)&&(C3==0)) output(6); R2=1; __delay_ms(60); R3=0; if((R3==0)&&(C3==0)) output(9); R3=1; __delay_ms(60); R4=0; if((R4==0)&&(C3==0)) output(12); R4=1; } void output(int key) { lcdcmd_address(0x01); // clear screen lcdcmd_address(0x86); // bring cursor to position 3 of ROW 1 switch(key) { case 1: lcd_string("ONE"); break; case 2: lcd_string("TWO"); break; case 3: lcd_string("THREE"); break; case 4: lcd_string("FOUR"); break; case 5: lcd_string("FIVE"); break; case 6: lcd_string("SIX"); break; case 7: lcd_string("SEVEN"); break; case 8: lcd_string("EIGHT"); break; case 9: lcd_string("NINE"); break; case 10: lcd_string("TEN"); break; case 11: lcd_string("ELEVEN"); break; case 12: lcd_string("TWELVE"); break; } }